
Capital in the twenty first century
Capital in the twenty first century

capital in the twenty first century capital in the twenty first century

It is the most important study of inequality in over fifty years. Stands a fair chance of becoming the most influential work of economics yet published in our young century. Stands a fair chance of becoming the most influential work of economics yet published in our young century. US Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman described Thomas Pikettys Capital in the Twenty-First Century as perhaps the most important book of the last decade. Martin Wolf, Financial TimesĪ sweeping account of rising inequality.Piketty has written a book that nobody interested in a defining issue of our era can afford to ignore. Piketty has written an extraordinarily important book.In its scale and sweep it brings us back to the founders of political economy. Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century is an intellectual tour de force, a triumph of economic history over the theoretical, mathematical modeling that has come to dominate the economics profession in recent years. The book aims to revolutionize the way people think about the economic history of the past two centuries.

capital in the twenty first century

It seems safe to say that Capital in the Twenty-First Century, the magnum opus of the French economist Thomas Piketty, will be the most important economics book of the year-and maybe of the decade.

Capital in the twenty first century